Three Things You May Not Expect From The Junior League

By April Benjamin, JLA President

As women, we often have to deal with misperceptions when it comes to our leadership skills. The Junior League sometimes has the same problem. And if you’re thinking about joining the Junior League of Arlington (JLA), there are some myths you may have heard about who we are and what we do.  

Here are a few of those misperceptions, along with the truth about our work in the community.

Myth #1: The Junior League just throws a bunch of parties.

Fact: It may look like we’re having too much fun, but our fundraisers like Purses for a Purpose and Duck Derby actually raise money for critical causes in the Arlington community — causes such as domestic violence awareness and prevention. In addition to raising money for these causes, we also provide leadership opportunities and professional development for our members, plus volunteer opportunities within the community at organizations that share our mission such as such as Hagar’s Heart and Child Protective Services’ Rainbow Room.

Myth #2: The Junior League is meant for women of a certain age and class.

Fact: Women from all walks of life, of all ages, join Junior Leagues in cities across America every day. We welcome the contributions and perspectives of everyone from seasoned career professionals to stay-at-home moms, women of all races and religions, across several generations.

Myth #3: I don’t have time for the Junior League.

Fact: The wonderful thing about the Junior League of Arlington is that you can determine your time commitment. You can go all in as a committee chair or board member, or you can dedicate just a few hours a month. It’s up to you. All we ask is that you have a heart for service.

Still have questions? Reach out to me or any JLA member if you want to chat. If you’re ready to join us, fill out our membership application today!

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